Wedding Preparation Process

It is worth remembering that in the wedding season many specialists are booked several months in advance. When choosing a photographer, pay attention not only to the portfolio, but also to how comfortable you are with it, as with a person. You should be happy working with a photographer, otherwise you will feel constrained. It is important to understand each other with a half word. Also, a specialist should help you to display photos on the wedding website for couples . You can create it yourself.
Features of the wedding site
All information about the wedding is collected in one place on wedding website with private access only for your guests. Information is always available online from any device and updated in real time:
- History of your couples.
- Wedding day routine.
- Venues for a photo shoot, ceremony, dinner and travel cards.
- Wishes for guests: gifts, dress code, special wishes.
- Guest list and polls.
- Photos and videos from the wedding.
- Convenient wedding planning tools: tables, questionnaires, lists.
How sometimes I want to share with the guests this festive fuss and my mood. Or talk about how you met, dipping again in a heap of warm memories captured in joint photographs. A good solution would be to create a top wedding website.
Take care of guests
Prepare for the wedding, start by compiling a list of guests - the most important decisions depend on their number and characteristics:
- age,
- proximity to acquaintance.
When compiling a list, remember - you do not have to invite all your acquaintances, friends of parents and, of course, you do not need to compile a list of guests for the wedding on the principle of "so as not to offend." Invite only those who are dear to your heart.
The wedding host plays a big role at the wedding, since the mood of the guests largely depends on him. He also controls that everything goes according to plan.
A couple of weeks before the wedding, you must call all the contractors and refresh all the agreements in your memory. Do not postpone the start of preparations for the wedding. When decisions are made at the last moment, there is a risk that something will go wrong or the desired specialist is already busy.
We recommend starting preparation at least six months before the celebration in order to plan everything in a comfortable mode, knowing that everything is under control. It is better to complete all preparation a few weeks before the wedding, so that by the cherished day you will be rested. Plus, urgent and unplanned tasks may appear, so before the wedding it is better to be relatively free to solve everything without too much haste and avoid stress.
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